Patriot Protect x Quite Frankly

Patriot Protect x Quite Frankly

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Stop Scams. Stay Private. Stay Safe. – All for about $5/Month.

How It Works

We remove your personal data from people-search sites and data brokers, shielding you from scams, fraud, and identity theft.

  • Step 1: Scan & Identify - We search hundreds of data broker sites to find where your personal information is exposed, so you know exactly who has it and where you’re vulnerable.
  • Step 2: Remove & Erase - Our expert tools erase your data from the internet, cutting off scammers and criminals from accessing your sensitive information.
  • Step 3: Monitor & Protect - We continuously monitor data broker sites to ensure your information stays private, giving you long-term peace of mind.

The Result: You regain control over your personal information and live with confidence, knowing your data is safe from scammers and identity thieves.